Yuengling Lager 12oz Bots. 12OZ Review
If you happen to live anywhere where Yuengling Lager is distributed, you're probably thinking to yourself, 'whoop-de-friggin'-doo'. Yeah, Yuengling is ubiquitous on the east coast (except for New England). You might remember it from the first kegger you went to when you were 17*, (or the last kegger). For those of us who can grab a six-pack every day, this product ain't nothing special. So if you live in the area and are still reading this, c'mon, beat it! There are more interesting things to read. Nothing to see.
All right, are they gone? Ok. You other folks out there, I'm not going to lie to you. Yuengling Lager is not a transcendent beer. It's a solid, reliable, every-day drinking beer that is darker and more appealing than mainstream American pilsners. It's good. It's unpretentious. It's tasty. And you lived on the east coast during your early adult life** and later leave, you will miss this beer. Our owner's son, James, can testify. That sap moved to Boston, MA for 8 years-a period of time where he could not find a Yuengling or anything to adequately replace the empty space that it left in his heart. Needless to say, he found it hard to keep a job, lost many friends, and had no success with women. His plight was rough. Being in MA, he couldn't even get a SHIPMENT of Yuengling. But many of you can.
And that's why we feature Yuengling Lagerso that more of you don't end up like James.
*For the record, we are just trying to point out the nostalgic qualities of this product. We don't condone underage drinking. Seriously, you don't even want to know what happens to under-aged kids who try to get served. We have goons and dogs. Don't mess.
**I mean after you're 21. I'm serious. Dogs. Beer
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